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Soils for the Future Tanzania

Improving soil is a solution for conservation, community and climate challenges


Our Vision  

At Soils for the Future Tanzania (SftFTZ), our vision is to restore Tanzania’s degraded grasslands and savanna ecosystems to benefit nature and people – particularly those who depend directly on the land. By working with pastoral communities, we enhance grazing and fire management practices to increase soil carbon storage, a crucial step in strengthening climate resilience. This stored carbon is used to create carbon credits that can be sold to support these management activities, creating a sustainable funding model that supports land restoration and local livelihoods.

Partnering with Pastoralists for a Sustainable Future

Pastoralists play a vital role in managing and restoring their lands. Our approach reinforces traditional pastoral practices, ensuring that grazing remains a sustainable, resilient and hopefully primary livelihood. By collaborating with SftFTZ, pastoral communities increase soil carbon, which is converted into carbon credits—providing long-term financial support for cultural and ecological sustainability.

News and Updates

June 2024 - Carbon project underway in Tanzania with Soils for the Future Tanzania

Five villages have qualified for a soil carbon credit project after signing Memorandums of Understanding that will take place over 40 years and cover 2.4 hectares of rangeland in Longido and Monduli districts; areas capable of harvesting 1.9 million tonnes of carbon, producing carbon credits worth over $12.7 million per year.  Learn more.

©2023 by Soils for the Future Tanzania. 

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